Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy 1st Day of School!!!

In honor of the first day of school this year, I wanted to share some photos that mean a lot to me and my family. You see, we are a Montessori Family.

In February of this year I was able to repay the teachers in our Montessori program for all the gifts they’ve given to our boys in the last two years.

I visited the boys classrooms, and as always, I was amazed at the way the rooms function. Each room has a distinctly different feel, and it completely reflects the personalities of the teachers.

Mrs. Law is energetic and energizing. In her room, the movement is a little quicker, more colorful, more bold.

Mrs. Mulholland is dedicated, and calm. In her room, the focus is always on the children and the process, and the pace is a little more quiet.

They’re even organized differently - which at its core, reflects the Montessori process clearly. As a primary student, (grades pre-k through kindergarten) the students are invited to experience their world with manipulatives, and are surrounded by materials that involve all the senses in the process of learning. In the elementary space, there are more work tables, and spaces to work in groups. The  materials are still there, as well as some more advanced hands-on learning manipulatives, but I find it fascinating that the same tools are approached differently at each phase of the Montessori education process.

Here is a peak into the work, personalities, and processes of the wonderful Montessori program at Belle Valley.

Music: Renee and Jeremy - "Share"

Thanks so much to the hard work of our Montessori Family. Here’s to a fantastic year!

1 comment:

  1. I love it!!! How cool. I love that you're doing this for everyone, it's a great idea!
