Monday, January 3, 2011

Digging out....

Today I've spent 2 hours digging my desk out of the humongous pile of miscellanea that has accumulated there in the past 10 weeks or so. Since we purchased the house I have noticed that it isn't possible for me to have every room clean. Everything in its place (because not everything has a place) and everything tidy. Apparently, I need a dump zone. At one point, it was the spare bedroom (now the boys bedroom). Then, it was the basement room (now toy storage and exercise equipment 'storage'). Now, it has morphed into the kitchen/office... and I don't like it. Everything that doesn't immediately have a home ends up in the Kitchen or the Office and I don't know how to stop the flood.

Trying to put a dent in the pile. At least (I think) things are getting sorted through and put away (or THROWN AWAY) more often since these piles are in spaces that should be functional. Previously... I could fill a whole room, and walk away, just closing the door behind me. Out of sight, out of mind. So, maybe this is better... but it's still a complete pain.

Once the desk is clear, maybe I can actually get some work done.

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