Tuesday, February 15, 2011


When it comes to uber-moms, the first person who comes to mind for me is my friend Melaura. We first met at playgroup, and the thing I remember most about her was how quiet and reserved she was. As I got to know her better, my admiration for her grew. I'm not sure I've ever known someone who knew exactly what they wanted the way Melaura did. "I want four kids." Which, of course, blew my mind. "Why?" says me. "I don't know. It's just what I want." So, her conviction that her family would not be complete until she had that fourth baby never wavered, and when it came time to celebrate that baby's arrival, we were all ready.

The thing I love most about this slideshow is what it DOESN'T show. It doesn't show that her husband Dan had to return to work two days before I photographed the baby, and that Melaura was almost falling over in newborn exhaustion. It doesn't show that there were two tired and hungry toddlers, and Melaura's oldest daughter also in the house. It doesn't show that it was one of the first insanely warm May days, or that the noise level in the house was extreme. It doesn't show Hobbs, who is Melaura's first baby, or how he was both serene and freaked out by the activity level in the house. It doesn't show that 4 kids = chaos.

It just shows how much Makayla was wanted, and loved, and cherished.

Better late than never.... Welcome Baby Cranford number 4.

Music: Fall by Jasmine Ash

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